What Is A Twin Flame And 15 Signs You’ve Found Yours

Have you ever met someone and felt like life suddenly makes sense? You connect with them on such a fundamental level you think you would literally combust if you’re ever split apart. When you meet them you feel like your life has value and that both of you can take on the world together. Most people believe this person is their soulmate. Sometimes they’re right but other times, they may just be mistaking who they think their soulmate is for their twin flame. Though some people use these terms interchangeably, they are not the same thing. 

What Is A Twin Flame?

Put simply, your twin flame is your “mirror soul”.  Many people say being with them is like looking in a mirror and seeing yourself; the good, the bad and the ugly. Todd Savvas, a spiritual teacher, contemporary mystic, and sage defines the term as “your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It’s one soul split into two bodies”

When you first connect with your twin flame it’s usually a cosmic occurrence. You feel it in your bones and at the time, it will feel like the best thing that ever happened to you. However, it switches up pretty quickly. As already mentioned, your twin flame mirrors you. What this means is, the parts about yourself you don’t like will be thrown back at you. You’ll see your darkest and most difficult side. Your inner suffering, wounds, phobias, and unresolved problems will be exposed. This is why the relationship you have with your twin flame is said to be tumulous, challenging and downright difficult. This makes people believe the relationship is toxic but really, it’s the exact opposite.

The connection you share with your twin flame is intended to stretch you, heal you, and help you become more self-aware. Savvas notes, “The purpose of discovering your twin flame is to speed up your growth, to release wounds, remove blockages, and lead you to true self-love.” He adds that “this relationship is designed to test and develop your very understanding of yourself and your energy.” The relationship is intended to act as a catalyst for realizing who you are and carrying out the internal work that you were born to undertake.

The concept of a twin flame has various origins, however, two are more known. One being from greek mythology and the other from astrology:

Greek mythology:  According to Plato’s theory in the philosophical work Symposium (c. 385 BCE), humans previously had four legs, two arms, and two faces. Zeus divided humanity in two so that each half would roam in quest of the other after the gods felt threatened by this.

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Astrology: According to this hypothesis, twin flame attraction is determined by astrological birth charts and zodiac signs.

Zodiac SignPossible Twin Flame
AriesLeo or Sagittarius
GeminiAquarius or Libra
CancerScorpio or Taurus
LeoSagittarius or Aries
VirgoTaurus or Capricorn
LibraAquarius or Gemini
ScorpioCapricorn or Taurus
SagittariusAries or Leo
CapricornCancer or Taurus
AquariusLibra or Gemini

What Is The Difference Between A Twin Flame And A Soulmate?

Your twin flame is quite literally your other half. They are the other half of your soul. While your soulmate is just a part of your soul. Savvs says, “when a soul is created, it is split into two parts, mirrors of each other, constantly yearning to reconnect.” While a soulmate is a “person you feel so connected to, the relationship runs smoothly because of the strong bond and they are someone you are compatible with.”- Dr Mya Bellinger: Medical practitioner who specializes in internal medicine.

Twin Flame Soulmate
You only have one twin flame.You can have multiple soulmates.
The relationship with your twin flame will be tumulous and chaotic.The relationship with your soulmate(s) will be so effortless it will shock you.
Your twin flame will bring out your insecurities.A soulmate will give you a confidence boost. 
Your twin flame teaches you something about yourself.A soulmate supports you as a friend, lover, and/or confidant.
Twin flames always find their way back to each other, irrespective of any miscommunication, rare differences or physical distance.The communication between soulmates can pause or permanently stop due to indifferences or physical distance.

15  Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame

  1. When you met, you got a sense that you were meeting yourself.
  2. You have multiple similarities that are sometimes uncanny.
  3. You have a deep connection that seems inexplainable.
  4. Whenever you’re around them you prioritize growth over being in a relationship.
  5. Your meeting signified a major change in your life.
  6. You complement each other. 
  7. Your insecurities and doubts are amplified. 
  8. They feel magnetic.
  9. The relationship is tumultuous. 
  10. You keep finding your way back to each other. 
  11. You have an almost psychic connection. It feels divine.
  12. They push you to be and do better.
  13. When you met, you felt instant recognition and intense attraction. 
  14. When people look at the two of you, they think; synchronicity. 
  15. You feel drawn to each other.
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