The average woman has been told these many lies: that her sole purpose in life is to take care of a husband and children, that she is most desirable when she’s subdued and dainty, that her vagina should have a sweet smell or no smell at all. In reality, the vagina could take on a variety of scents, depending in large on the individuals body composition or dietary habits, roses are not one of them.

What Do Most Vagina’s Smell Like?
According to Dr. Minkin, it’s entirely normal for the vagina to have a sour or even slightly fermented smell. This is because the vagina contains lactobacilli, the same bacteria found in fermented foods like yogurts and beer. To be clear lactobacilli is a good bacteria as it helps the body fight off some of the “bad” organisms responsible for diseases.
- A sour tangy smell could mean that your vagina pH is slightly acidic. This isn’t something to worry about.
- A metallic smell is related to menstruation or minor bleeding that may have happened during sex.
- A sweet or earthy odor is attributed to a change in vaginal PH.
- A chemical or clinical smell could be a sign of dehydration or urine buildup in your underwear.
- A skunky or weedy scent could indicate emotional stress.
- A fishy odor could be a sign of Bacterial Vaginosis or Trichonomiasis.
- A rotten odor is most likely, as a result of, a forgotten tampon.
Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Fish?
Bacterial Vaginosis and Trichomoniasis are the main reasons why a vagina would produce a smell similar to decomposed fish. While Bacterial Vaginosis occurs somewhat naturally, trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. Although both tend to give off a slightly similar smell, trichomoniasis has a “more pronounced fishy odor than bacterial vaginosis” adds Dr. Minkin.
So how do you differentiate one from the other? First, you should understand the causes of each and how the symptoms differ from one other.
What is Bacterial Vaginosis
It’s normal for the vagina to have bacteria. However when there is an “overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina” bacterial vaginosis will occur, says Minkin. “These anaerobic organisms are odorous.” There isn’t one set thing that causes the imbalance and overgrowth that leads to bacterial vaginosis but risk factors like douching, having multiple or a new sex partner, frequent use of scented soaps and lack of the lactobacilli bacteria (found in yogurts) could increase your chances.
When a woman has bacterial vaginosis, she tends to show some of the following symptoms: a thin discharge that is white or light gray, a fishy odor especially after sex, as well as, occasional pain, burning or itching around the vagina.
What Is Trichonomiasis
Unlike bacteria vaginosis, trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection and is very common. It is also easily curable. Most men who have trichomoniasis do not have symptoms so it’s very possible for your partner to pass it to you without your knowledge. When a woman has trichomoniasis, she tends to show some of the following symptoms: a strong fishy smelling frothy vaginal discharge that’s yellowish or greenish, occasional itching and irritation, as well as, painful urination.

What To Do About Bacterial Vaginosis
Although it is possible for BV to clear up on its own, it is important for you to see a doctor if you suspect that you have bacterial vaginosis. The doctor would be able to test and clarify that you have BV as opposed to trichomoniasis. They would then prescribe one of the following medications.
- Metronidazole (e.g Flagyl or Metrogel-Vaginal)
- Clindamycin (e.g Cleocin or Clindesse)
- Tinidazole (e.g Tindamax)
- Secnidazole (e.g Solosec)
If left untreated, BV can, increase your risk for: Sexually transmitted diseases and Pelvic inflammatory disease. Because of this, it is very important to complete your medication even if the symptoms appear to have gone away.
Girlily does not advocate for or support self prescription. Please consult your doctor if you have any health issues.
What To Do About Trichomoniasis
If you suspect you have Trichomoniasis, you should visit you doctor to confirm and test for other STD’s. According to Mayo Clinic “The most common treatment for trichomoniasis involves taking one megadose of metronidazole (Flagyl) or tinidazole (Tindamax).” You would also need to inform your partner so you can both get treated.
Girlily does not advocate for or support self prescription. Please consult your doctor if you have any health issues.
Final Take Away
If you notice a fishy odor coming from your vagina, you most likely have either Bacterial Vaginosis or Trichonomiasis. While trichomoniasis is an infection contracted through sex, BV occurs as a result of an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria. Trichomoniasis tends to have a more pungent odor than BV, the discharge is also thicker and frothy, while the discharge with BV is thinner. If you suspect that you have any of this conditions, it is important to see your doctor immediately to start treatment so as to prevent further complications.
For more answers to questions surrounding the vagina, check out the rest of our articles on vaginal health