31 Random Acts Of Kindness To Do Each Day In a Month

a black woman in white top an jeans hugs a white woman wearing the same outfit

As we get enveloped into the facade that is the digital world, we forget more and about about the importance of our humanity, and the simple values associated with it, like, kindness. True, the internet makes it so that we can leave all our insecurities behind the scenes. Still, imagine if someone did something nice for you, in your moment of distress. That feeling, is a good reason why you should implement random acts of kindness in your day to day. Random acts of kindness are the little unexpected acts of charity or helpfulness, often done for people we barely know. They are those selfless acts, both large and small, that we commit, without prompt and with no apparent ulterior motive, to make someone, stranger or not, breathe a little easier.

Offering to help soothe a crying baby while her mother completes her shopping, for instance, may cost you a few precious minutes but the value of the assistance provided would be cherished by the struggling mothers for quite some time. On that note, we present you with this list of random acts of kindness and we hope you try them out each day this month.

Give compliments

Compliments are those endearing confessions about other people that could lift up their spirits. It would literally cost you nothing but it could be the reason why someone else walks a little taller for the rest of the day so go right ahead and say it. Don’t worry about it coming off as silly, trust me the silly ones are often the ones that make them the happiest.

Pick up something for someone this month

If you know someone is overwhelmed – perhaps by a new baby or health issues – give them a call when you’re going out to the store. Ask if they’d like you to pick something up. I’ve personally benefitted from random acts of kindness such as these, and believe me, it’s great.

Keep an extra umbrella at work

As the fall season slowly envelopes us, it occasionally rains when we are the least prepared for it. So keep an umbrella as a backup at work so that when so you can lend it out to your friends and colleagues when it rains.

Check-in with someone having a hard time.

Sometimes we shy away from people when we know they’re having a rough time, but our distance rarely helps. So reach out to anyone you know having a difficult time. Ask how they’re doing, and if you can help. Random acts of kindness such as these are priceless because if you don’t ask, they might continue to suffer in silence and not say a word to you.

Listen to someone

Sometimes, when people share their problems with you, they don’t really want you to suggest a solution. We underestimate how comforting this random act of kindness is, but this doesn’t make it any less helpful.

Be kind to yourself

Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend because you too deserve all the random acts of kindness you can spare. You could practice positive affirmations a few times in a day, write down 3 to 5 things you’re grateful every few days, or simply send a simple lovely email to yourself when you feel blue.

Give someone the benefit of a doubt

Make the effort this month to believe something good about someone, rather than something bad, especially when you have the choice of doing either. You could do this for your partner, or for someone you may never meet again. Regardless of who this kind act is directed towards, it could be helpful in whatever personal challenge they hope to surmount.

Greet someone you see daily by name

Learn the names of your office security guard, the person at the front desk or some other person you see every day. Then smile and greet them by name when you bump into them. These random acts of kindness are so easy, and they almost always make people happier.

Check-in with someone

Recently an old classmate popped me a text to see how I was doing. We hadn’t spoken in over two years and he simply said he was swinging by to say “hi.” His thoughtfulness and this random act of kindness was very touching and I know it would be the same for that old acquaintance that sprang to your mind as you read this. So check in with him/her.

Invite someone to dinner

Invite someone to dinner this month to make them feel seen and less lonely. It could be a friend from work or just a kid from your neighbourhood. Whether you dine out or make the meal yourself, this random act of kindness is one that will be treasured for years to come.

Hold the elevator for someone coming in after you

The extra minute you spend doing this can’t hurt you. Holding the elevator for someone – instead of wishing the door to close on them- is one of many random acts of kindness that will brighten up someone else’s day or set you up with a new friendship. Sometimes both.

Offer an introduction

Sometimes, all we need is a little outside help, so offer an introduction to someone in need of it. Whether you’re introducing a friend to a new client, or a little girl to a woman she admires, it takes all of two seconds to make an intro. And random acts of kindness such as these could completely change someone’s life or career for the better.

Let someone cut in front of you in line

I know your days are super busy but try this out anyway. Your stressors aren’t that different from theirs and if this is all it takes to make their day a little better, how bad can it really be if you help?

Leave a positive note in a library book

Someone is sure to find it and treasure your random act of kindness for life.

Leave a little extra change in the vending machine to buy the next person a bottle of coke

It won’t cost you much but it might be the reason someone else enjoys a fuller meal for the day.

Send a thank you email to someone

Remember that acquaintance that once did you a favour you forgot about? How about sending a thank you note over an email? Don’t worry about the delay on your end, they will appreciate the fact that you remembered and your kindness is sure to brighten up their day.

Put your phone away when you’re with your loved ones

Random acts of kindness such as being present and genuinely enjoying the company of your loved ones are vital for your emotional health as well as theirs. It would also make them feel valued which is always a great thing.

Thank your mom for something she did when you were little

I spoke to my Mom recently and I thanked her for encouraging me to read widely when I was little. She was so deeply moved by my thanks that I realized I should do stuff like this for her often. So pick a day this month and thank your Mom for something she did when you were little. Then come tell us how it went.

Help someone try something new

When I was a teenager, I was terrified of so many things, especially anything that was out of my comfort zone. But I found that on some days, all it took was a friend to nudge me a little to do something new. So if you find someone battling with trying something new, give them a little nudge.

Talk to the quiet person at a party

We all have been there; pretending to be busy on the phone while everyone else mingles. You just want to escape because you’re sad or shy but you just can’t leave your friend behind. This month, be the person who appears out of nowhere and makes an effort to talk to the sad one at the party. Who knows, your random act of kindness might be all it takes to remind them that life is still happening and that it’s all really not too bad.

Write a letter to former teachers who made a difference in your life

Your teachers helped shape you into the woman you are today so pick a day this month to write at least one of them a letter. Tell them how they contributed to who you are at present, and thank them for it. Being grateful in this way will cost you nothing but your ageing teachers will cherish your kindness for years to come.

Be kind to customer-care representatives

It is easy to be an enraged customer on the phone when a company’s service is below your expectations, but this month, try to remember that you are speaking with another human being. Also, the issue you’re calling in about is most likely not their fault anyway.

See Also

Help someone cross the street

Whether it is an elderly, a kid from your neighbourhood, or just someone carrying a huge parcel, reach out and help them manoeuvre the sidewalk to the other side of the road. Trust me, your kindness won’t be forgotten.

Keep in touch with your friends

Make the time to call a few friends this month to have an honest chat. Meet up at a local coffee shop to catch up on how life’s been for each of you, or just send them a little money for lunch. They too deserve your warmth and kindness.

Speak with an elder

Research suggests that loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and when we get older we tend to get lonelier too. Sometimes, the elderly don’t speak to people for days making contact only when their only shopping. So if you have elderly neighbours, pop round to chat over a cup of tea. Be patient when they talk to you about the “old days”. Random acts of kindness such as this would make them feel seen, and you’re sure to learn a thing or two from them as well.

Be kind on social media

Instagram, Twitter and Facebook can be full of negativity and bitter trolls so this month, do your best to be nice on social media. If you read a social media post that resonates with you, take a few seconds to leave a positive comment and let the author know. Respond warmly to anyone who shares details of his/her challenges online. They will really appreciate it, and you will be the better for it too.

Talk with a homeless person

Without certain safety nets, any one of us reading this could have been homeless too. So take a few minutes to chat with one homeless person about his or her life: what’s his/her name? How did he/she end up here? Do they have a place to sleep? Random acts of kindness such as these can make them feel just a little bit human, and encourage them to hold on to hope.

Leave a sticky note for someone

This is one quick and easy idea you don’t need to overthink. Just scribble some uplifting messages on sticky notes and leave them randomly on your lunch breaks. You could also get a little more specific and leave a sticky smile for your partner, or a family member. It’s quick, cute and random but it’s also an incredible way to be kind.

Send colouring books and boxes of new crayons to sick kids

There are sick kids really going through rough times so on your next shopping trip, buy them colouring books and crayons. This is a random act of kindness that will brighten up these kids to no measure, and you could just leave the gifts with the nurses. They know which kid needs to smile the most.

Share happy memories

Remind a friend of some of the good times you shared. You could stick an old photo in the mail to her and write a note about the day it was taken on the back. Kind acts such as this are sometimes, all we really need to keep our relationships affectionate and alive.

Forgive someone

The last suggestion on our list of random acts of kindness for this month might very well be the most important; forgive someone. Then repeat as necessary

Ultimately, every small interaction with someone is an opportunity to have a positive impact on both of your lives. The aim here is not to be perfect because there will certainly be days when you’re kinder than others. The trick though is to get over such days and get back to these random acts of kindness as soon as you can. After a while, you’ll find yourself being kind to yourself and others without even thinking about it.

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