For Female Travelers: Smart Tips for Your Solo Trip

woman sitting on armchair under white patio umbrella

Travelling is one of the truest joys of life regardless of whichever part of the world you live in, and rightly so. There is something therapeutic and freeing in the ability to move from place to place, an openness that is born out of experiencing cultures different from ours as many times as we can. We take a break from the stresses of our own lives when we travel, and this art of peering at life beyond the lens of our own worlds humbles and emboldens us to face whatever obstacles we fear with renewed courage.

I love traveling myself, and this summer, I imagine you are either prepping for your own vacation or gearing up and racing to the beaches close to you. Traveling alone or with your girls, though isn’t without challenges and it is important to continually share our solutions with them because chances are, some other woman may benefit immeasurably from your stories.

Here are some of the challenges I’ve faced on my trips along with my simple guide to tackling them so that you can enjoy your vacation this summer with a minimal degree of discomfort possible.

Hair Care

Hair management is one of the most demanding travails of womanhood and when on vacation can prove to be a constant source of concern. A region’s temperature, wind velocity and precipitation can damage or help repair your hair, depending on its texture. My hair for instance is thick and kinky and tends break or split when exposed to heat for too long. I tackle this problem through protective styling a few days before my trip and it serves me well because I wouldn’t otherwise have sufficient time to take care of my hair anyway. I have also found that the pop and go detangler and the Camryns-BFF Gentle Edges Brush are both affordable and favored by all women regardless of hair type. Check them out. They are easy to use, and they take up very little packing space.

Periods On Vacation

A recent study has found period cramps to be as severe as heart attacks and very few women are surprised by this revelation. It is crucial to plan for your periods while planning your trip because in the absence of laid out remedies, having your period while on vacation will keep you bedridden, leave you cranky and may ruin at least a few days of the trip for everyone else. I handle this aspect of my business by going through the reviews before I book my accommodation (the last thing you need is a hotel room with little water supply), and by packing in a sufficient supply of tampons and sanitary pads. I also bring along pain relief pills of my own, and at least one small water bottle (heat pack) that can be filled with hot water and be laid against my lower belly or back if need be.

Losing Your Stuff:

On vacations, almost everyone is usually as careful as can be and yet properties still go missing. Luggage goes missing, passports and cash can get misplaced, and phones can get stolen. Planning ahead, for possible losses such as these, is smart so, ensure that you make copies of your passport before you set off; save the address or numbers of your foreign embassy in both your phone and on pieces of papers in your bag and whatever else you do, always split-store your cash!

See Also

Unwanted Male Attention:

Many men find this surprising but a good number of us actually prefer to enjoy our drinks in public bars privately. When traveling by myself, unwanted male attention alone can discourage me from checking out places I would love to see. If you’re traveling in a group, with a male friend or your significant other, the incidence of this lessens because in these scenarios, men are less likely to be in your face. If you are traveling alone this summer, you can tackle any unwanted male attention by: buying and wearing a wedding band (because why ever not?), feigning deafness (because ignoring those catcalls is the best), sticking with the crowd and by making at least one new friend from your chosen vacation location to help point out the best relaxation spots in the city to you. Most importantly though, avoid unfamiliar places at night and during the day, stick to very public places.

Vacations are amazing for your mental health because they nudge you out of your familiar and comfortable spaces to enable you relax. They can be heavenly when planned right and brutal when not. So this summer, make sure to plan your trips to your favorite places with these simple tips in mind. Oh and don’t forget to go armed with your antibacterial and antidiarrheal drugs because you never know!

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