The Girlily Approved Way to Age Gracefully

If you look at a magazine display in any store, odds are you will see more than one front cover advertising a message about anti-aging skincare products, a celebrity who doesn’t look his/her age, or any other message regarding looking younger than you actually are. While many of these recommendations can be physically or mentally unhealthy, particularly for younger readers, there is nothing wrong with wanting to age gracefully and finding healthy ways to do so. Read on for my recommendations to age gracefully, healthily, and happily. 

Invest in your Skin

Skincare routines have been all the rage for many years now. Whether it is a moisturizer, vitamin C, sun recommendations – the list goes on and on. You don’t have to be young to start a skincare routine (although many say the earlier you start, the better). It’s never too late to take care of your skin! The most common recommendations include drinking plenty of water, daily sunscreen, moisturizer, a gentle cleanser, and retinol if your skin can handle it. Always consult with a dermatologist to learn what is best for your skin since everyone is different. It is also so important to remember that aging skin (e.g., wrinkles, sagging, sun spots, freckles, etc.) is totally normal and should be admirable. The phrase “with age comes wisdom” is so true! Wear your skin and all of its years of wisdom with pride.

Reduce Stress

One of the causes most attributed to an aging appearance is stress. Stress can have many sources: work, family, and physical stress are three that immediately come to mind. Luckily, there are ways to reduce all three of these stress sources. For work stress, look into what the core cause is; do you not have enough help at work? Are you working too much? Do you work in a stressful field? Once you have determined what the underlying cause of the stress is, you can work to improve it. Try things like delegating tasks to other colleagues, discussing your high stress with your boss, or even switching jobs if you feel it is necessary. When it comes to family and physical stress, my biggest recommendation is to hire professional help if you are able to. For family stress, try seeking help in the form of babysitters or family members to help with kids and therapists and counseling services for marital or family issues. For physical stress, look for services that can help you with the biggest physical loads you carry. Housekeepers can help with household work. Look into a moving company for things like moving households, having heavier items delivered, or even just rearranging your living room. Just one NY-based company that I recently found via a quick Google search is Consider it Moving. Apparently, they are a residential moving company and they also do business relocation in Long Island, as well. When you look for any company to use during a move (a moving team, a realtor, and whatever else you need), just make sure to fully check out their website, their reviews, and if you can get a word-of-mouth reference, that is even better! THAT is how you find great companies to make the transition much easier on yourself. 

Eat a Balanced Diet

What you eat can dramatically affect not only your appearance but also your mood. Making sure you are eating a balanced diet can help you get all of the vitamins, minerals, and other necessary things you need to keep your skin and body healthy and promote graceful aging. A well-balanced diet doesn’t just mean fruits and veggies – you should also be consuming other food groups (including protein and carbohydrates) to make sure you have the energy you need to live a full life. Taking a daily multivitamin can also help to fill in any nutritional gaps, although you shouldn’t rely on multivitamins rather than consuming things like fruits and veggies. Consult with your physician or a nutritionist if you are unsure of what your body needs.  

See Also

Learn Lessons from your Mistakes

Again, I’ll return to the phrase “with age comes wisdom.” There is so much truth to this statement, but it is also partially up to you to make this happen. If you make the same mistake over and over again, or if you are really hard on yourself when you make mistakes, you will likely live a life full of frustration and unhappiness. If you realize that making mistakes is not only completely normal but also a part of the journey to life and the wisdom that comes with it, you will be much easier on yourself when it comes to making mistakes. Learn from them, then move on! Remember when we talked about how stress can affect your graceful aging? Don’t let the mistakes you make contribute to this. 

Choose Happy

The final piece of advice I have is simple: try your best to choose to be happy, even on the rough days. I know that for many, this is easier said than done; however, trying your best can never hurt. Make that lemonade from the lemons you are dealt, and while you’re drinking it, make the changes you need to make to live a happy life. Do this, and you are sure to age gracefully. 

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