20 Things You Can Relate To If You Live With Housemates

Living with your parents can be interesting, to say the least. Though there are many pros to it, the cons tend to overshadow them. Most people leave as soon as they can. As soon as they can being when they’re old enough and when they’ve earned and/or borrowed enough.

In the early stages of moving out, most people can only afford to live with friends and/or housemates. Usually, the high of moving out of your parents can be blinding. Most people are soo excited they overlook certain red flags. This can include apartments, neighbourhoods, housemates and so much more. Also, it can be a bit of an adjustment; living on your own for the first time, learning to co-exist with people and much more. It’s not the easiest thing to do but as it is with most things in life, you learn. Everyone learns.

So, yes there are a lot of cons to moving in with friends too but there are just as many pros. You can get back home whenever you like. You’ll laugh. You’ll laugh a lot. It can sometimes seem like a never-ending party. Besides work and other responsibilities, you’ll have more freedom than you know what to do with. Things *could* become really peaceful for you. You may just meet your village, your people, your very best friends.

HONESTLY, It is the best of times. It is the worst of times.

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With that, here are 20 things you can relate to if you live with roommates:

  1. You will never find your shit where you kept it!!
  2. Paying bills are a nightmare!
  3. Everyone needs to agree (or at least a majority) before most decisions are made.
  4. You don’t always have to cook (blessings to the housemates who love cooking).
  5. If you’re locked out, someone else has a key.
  6. You become housemates with people you didn’t sign the lease with. ( their partners and/or family members). 
  7. More nakedness than ANYONE needs to see.
  8. There’s always someone to talk to and or laugh with.
  9. After a few months, you can describe what your housemates sound like while having sex.
  10.  How long will the dishes be in that sink? 
  11. Chore division is also a nightmare.
  12. You intimately understand the word “compromise”.
  13. You get to share stuff (both a blessing and a curse).
  14. There’s always someone to go grocery shopping with.
  15. There’s always that roommate with the car or partner who owns a car, we turn into our uber driver
  16. Those lovely weekends they travel and you FINALLYYY have the house to yourself!!
  17. You know that one roommate who wakes up before anyone else and decides 5 am is a sane time to be playing loud AF music?
  18. There’s always someone to tell you if you look like trash before you step out the door.
  19. You suddenly have multiple wardrobes.
  20. You’re constantly thinking- “I need to move out”
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