9 Forgotten Spots In Your House You Definitely Need To Clean

Most people do a deep clean once a week, usually on Saturdays. This would normally include wiping down sofas, vacuuming every room, thoroughly mopping them, getting rid of spider webs and so on. However, more often than not, we tend to overlook specific places. You know what they say, “out of sight, out of mind”. Here are some places in your home, you’re probably forgetting to clean.

Kitchen Trash Can

Most people switch out the bin bags and leave the actual bin like that. Months have gone by and you haven’t washed out that bin. I can assure you, that’s the reason your kitchen probably has its own smell. Throw out the bin bag, hose the actual bin down to get rid of most of the gunk left behind, then dip a sponge in detergent-filled water and scrub the outsides and insides of the bin.

Door Frames

We open them, we close them and we never again touch them. I can bet that since you moved in you haven’t thought of wiping down that door frame once. You touch it every day and then you touch your face, transferring all that gunk you don’t see to your skin. Clean your doors. They’re begging you. Get a bowl or bucket of soapy water, dip a sponge or fibre cloth in it, and then proceed to scrub the dirt away from the door.


Most people don’t touch their curtains for years (especially if they’re not white). I would know, I am guilty of this. Curtains also accumulate dirt you wouldn’t easily see. They need washing even though it doesn’t seem that way. If it’s been more than 6 months for the love of God, switch it out and wash the old ones. 

Bathroom Tile Walls

I’m sure you attempt to clean your bathroom weekly. I’m also sure you leave out your walls. They need a scrubbing down, just as much as our bathroom floors do. Make a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, detergent and water. Put your hard brush in it, then use the mixture to scrub the walls. 


Queens of amassing dust as a second skin. It doesn’t matter what type of fan you use, if you’ve used it for a month without any form of cleaning, there’s probably an ungodly amount of dust on it by now and you need to deep clean it. Your fan will be happy and so will you because air is not properly moved by dirty fan blades.  Use a cloth that has been dampened with water and detergent. Avoid bending the blades when cleaning them since they may rattle when the fan is running.

Windows and Windowsills 

These are one of the filthiest places in a home. Once in a while windows may be wiped down but they’re usually cleaned on a surface level and windowsills are largely ignored. To clean the windows, rinse first with clean water, then add a few drops of liquid dish soap to a bowl of water. Proceed to use a sponge or cloth dipped in the soapy water to wipe the windows. After, thoroughly rinse. For the windowsill, wipe the window frame and sill with a damp cloth. Do your best to get rid of all the smudges and pat dry when finished. Don’t forget to dust them weekly.

See Also


Most things you eat are stored in your fridge. It almost always has something in it, so it’s often forgotten about when it’s time for that deep clean, usually only remembered if there’s a spill. Just because your fridge looks clean, doesn’t mean it is. Every 3 to 4 months, empty out your fridge and thoroughly clean everywhere with warm, soapy water. 


Most people leave their microwaves until it’s visibly disgusting to look at, and sometimes, even after that. What you put in your mouth goes in there. You need to clean it up at the very least every 3 to 4 weeks. With a sponge dipped in water and a little baking soda, clean the entire door, including the edges, both sides, and the area where it seals the microwave. To rinse, wipe with a wet sponge or cloth. Use a mixture of vinegar and water to clean greasy windows. Rinse, then pat dry.

Under Your Bed

There have been too many days where you quickly clean your room and think “oh, I’ll sweep under the bed the next time”. It’s been too long, it’s time to clean it out. Lift your bed up if you can, take a broom or vacuum and get rid of all that dust, sand and whatever else you find there.

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