How to be a Morning Person When you Really Don’t Want to be a Morning Person

Let’s face it, the sound of the alarm clock at 6 am is not necessarily music to anyone’s ears, and if you’ve spent 2 hours of your bedtime struggling to fall asleep, the last thing you want to hear is that haunting chime that resounds the promise of sleep deprivation. If you had your way, you’d slam it silent and doze for all of eternity. Unfortunately, smashing the screen of an iPhone is never a good idea. If you struggle with daybreaks as much as a certain member of our team (name withheld), here’s how to be a morning person when you really don’t want to be a morning person

Establish a Pattern

The human body is liked a computerized system, you get what you put in. That’s why mantras and thought processes tend to have such a successful outcome. If you’re more of a night owl, then you may struggle to get up in the mornings. However, if you establish a set sleep pattern, your body would become accustomed to it with time. Try to go to sleep at the same time and set and alarm to wake up at the same time every day for 1 week. You’d realize that your body would fall naturally into that pattern and you’d easily find your self wanting to sleep and wake up around the same time with or without the use of an alarm. You’d wake up less groggy, more rested and energetic

Get Exercising

Doing a workout routine first thing in the morning can help wake up your senses and get you ready to start your day. It doesn’t have to be anything overtly strenuous or time-consuming. You can choose your workout to suit whatever you’re naturally into. If you like swimming, try taking a dip before you go to work. If you have a dog, get their walk out of the way early. I do a full body stretch the moment I get out of bed, together with, 20 squats, 20 sit-ups, and 20 crunches. The stretch usually does the trick for me.

Eat Your Protein

If you want to get rid of that sluggish feeling in the morning, try going heavy on the protein and light on the carbohydrates. It has been scientifically proven that having protein for breakfast optimizes the brain’s responsiveness, helping you stay awake, energized and ready for the day. Contrastingly, carbohydrate incites a feeling of heaviness and intensifies the need for an extended lie in.

Get Lots of Light

You know that thing you were told about, morning sunlight in physical education class? Totally true. Light is good for us in many ways. In addition to providing us with all the Vitamin D, we could need, it also prevents our body from making melatonin, the sleep hormone. This means that the more light you get, the less tired you’ll feel when you first wake up. If you wake up too early to catch the natural light, try using artificial light instead. 

Getting up early doesn’t have to be a drag. If you train your body to look forward to the mornings, with your established patterns, exercises,  and protein-packed breakfast you’ll be up and running errands in no time. If you can do these consistently for 7 days in a row, you’d easily fall into the habit.

See Also

Has any of these tips worked for you? Let us know in the comment section.

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