17 Sex Questions To Ask Your Partner Before Marriage

A black man holding a rose kisses his girlfriend from behind

Marriage is a beautiful thing, but one of the biggest issues couples encounter after marriage has to do with sexual incompatibility. Before you tie the knot, there are some important questions you need to ask your partner about sex to make sure you’re both on the same page. Even though sex is a normal and healthy part of any relationship, a lot of couples shy away from discussing it openly. If you want to have a healthy sex life after marriage, you and your partner need to be on the same page about your desires, expectations, and boundaries. No matter how in love you are, the slightest incompatibility could cause a lot of problems down the road. Knowing where you stand early enough could either help you prepare or avoid any surprises or problems down the road. 

Here are 17 important sex questions to ask before marriage.

What Is Your Sexual History?

This can be a controversial topic, but it’s important to talk about it with your partner before getting married. 

Knowing your partner’s sexual history before getting married will help you gauge their level of experience and comfort with different sexual activities. Additionally, you can understand what you are getting into and also have your partner be aware of your needs and boundaries.

What Turns You On?

What turns you on may not be what turns your partner on. You may think that you know what gets your partner going, but it’s important to ask directly before assuming. Your turn-ons may also change over time, so it’s important to keep the lines of communication open about this topic.

What Turns You Off?

Sex is pleasurable as long as you and your partner understand what you like, how you like it and vice versa.

They are a variety of factors that can either make or break your sex experience, While you might feel comfortable or curious about a certain sexual activity, your partner might not feel the same way.

Turn-offs in the bedroom can be a major deal breaker in any relationshipand that’s why it’s important to discuss them openly with your partner so that you both are fully aware of what to do and what not to do during sex to enjoy your sexual relationship even more and also before tying the knot. 

Have You Ever Had A Sexually Transmitted Disease?

If either of you has ever had an STD, it’s important to discuss when it happened, how it was treated, and if there are any lingering effects.

This conversation can help create a more open and honest relationship, as well as, provide peace of mind knowing that you’re both on the same page when it comes to your sexual health.

What Are Your Expectations For Sex In Marriage?

It’s important to talk about sex before getting married so that you know what each other’s expectations are. Some people expect sex to be a regular part of their married life, while others are okay with it being less frequent. There is no right or wrong answer, but it’s important to be on the same page as your partner.

What Is Your Favourite Sexual Position?

There are many different sexual positions that couples can enjoy together, so it’s important to discuss your favourite positions with your partner before getting married.

For some couples, missionary is their go-to position, while others prefer more adventurous positions like doggy style or reverse cowgirl. Some people even enjoy mixing things up and trying new positions regularly.

No matter what your favorite sexual position is, it’s important to be open and honest with your partner about it.

Discussing your likes and dislikes in the bedroom will help you both learn more about each other’s sexual preferences and ensure that you’re both enjoying yourselves during sex

What Are Your Thoughts On Monogamy?

There are a lot of different thoughts and opinions out there about monogamy. For some people, monogamy is extremely important and is non-negotiable in a relationship. For others, they may be more open to the idea of an open relationship or polyamory.

And then, some feel like monogamy isn’t necessarily “natural” and that humans are not meant to be monogamous. It’s definitely something worth discussing before getting married. It is important to know if your partner is interested in being monogamous before making any commitments, to avoid unnecessary heartache in the future as it can be a make-or-break issue for some people.

What Are Your Thoughts On Pornography And Masturbation?

Pornography and masturbation are often seen as taboo subjects, especially in the African part of the world, but they can be an important part of a healthy sex life. When it comes to pornography, it’s important to know what your partner likes and doesn’t like, or whetherthey’re comfortable with you watching. 

For some people, pornography is a way to add excitement to their sex life, while for others it can be a form of addiction that can lead to problems in their relationship. It’s important to be honest with your partner about it and to make sure that you’re doing it in a way that’s comfortable for both of you.

Does Religion Play A Role In Your Views On Sex?

For many people, religion is a key factor in their views on sex. Religion can impact what people believe is right or wrong when it comes to sexual activity, and can also influence how comfortable someone is with discussing sex openly.

If you are thinking about getting married, it’s important to discuss religion and sex before tying the knot. You and your partner should be on the same page about your beliefs and expectations regarding sexual activity within the marriage. Otherwise, there could be some serious conflict down the road.

What Are Your Thoughts On Sexual Fantasies And Fetishes?

There are a lot of different thoughts out there on sexual fantasies and fetishes. Some people think that they are essential for a healthy sex life, while others believe that they can be dangerous and lead to unhealthy obsessions. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they think about sexual fantasies and fetishes.

Some people see sexual fantasies and fetishes as a way to spice up their sex life and make things more exciting. They may view them as a harmless way to explore their own sexuality and desires. Others may see them as something that can be harmful or lead to an unhealthy obsession. It is important to communicate with your partner about your thoughts on sexual fantasies and fetishes. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and comfortable with the activities that are taking place.

Do You Have Any Specific Fantasies That You Would Like To Act Out With Your Partner?

If they have a sexual fantasy you can now proceed to ask what they are. When it comes to sexual fantasies It’s important to be on the same page as your partner. Do you both want to try new things? Are there certain things that are off-limits? Discussing your fantasies openly can help create a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship.

Some people have very specific fantasies that they would like to act out, while others simply enjoy playful banter and dirty talk. 

Whatever it may be, it’s important to communicate with your partner about what they are interested in trying. With mutual consent, you can explore each other’s fantasies and discover new and exciting ways to experience sexual pleasure together.

What Are Your Thoughts On Birth Control And Abortion?

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to birth control and abortion. What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think that abortion should be legal? Do you think that birth control should be covered by insurance?

These are just a few of the questions that you should want to discuss with your partner before getting married. It is important to be on the same page as your partner when it comes to these sensitive topics. Talk about your thoughts and feelings with your partner and come to a mutual understanding before tying the knot.

Do You Think That Sex Is An Important Part Of A Relationship?

Asking your partner about their sexual needs and desires is important in any relationship, especially if you want to maintain a healthy and active sex life. Many couples find that their sex life changes over time and need to work to keep things exciting.

What Are Their Thoughts On Sex Before Marriage?

It’s no secret that sex is a hot topic, especially in this part of the world. Before you take the plunge and say “I do,” you may want to ask your partner their thoughts on sex before marriage.

Having an open and honest conversation about sex before marriage is important to ensure that both partners are comfortable with whatever decision is made. Asking these questions can help pave the way for a healthy and happy relationship, both sexually and emotionally.

What Are Your Thoughts On Oral Sex, Anal Sex, And Other Non Penetrative Sexual Activities?

There are a lot of different thoughts on oral sex, anal sex, and other sexual activities out there. Some people think that these activities are perfectly normal and acceptable, while others may have some reservations about them. There is no right or wrong answer here – it ultimately comes down to what you and your partner are comfortable with.

If you’re undecided on how you feel about these activities, it’s important to talk about them with your partner before getting married.

What Are Your Sexual Boundaries?

What are you comfortable with sexually? What are your limits? It’s important to know where each other stands on the key. This will help ensure that both of you are on the same page and can avoid any awkward or unwanted surprises down the road.

How Often Do You Like To Have Sex?

People have different libidos to avoid feeling sexually starved in your marriage, discussing your sexual needs early on can help avoid any frustration or resentment later on. Plus, it’s helpful to be on the same page when it comes to scheduling date nights!

Before getting married, it’s important to ask your partner some tough questions about sex. This will help you ensure that you’re on the same page sexually and that there are no surprises down the road. Asking these questions can be difficult, but it’s worth it to make sure that you have a strong foundation for your marriage.

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