Does Size Really Matter? 

Whether you’re a teenager lusting after prom dates or a forty-something reflecting on past relationships. At some point this month, you’ve probably thought about sex. A study from 2011 showed that men thought about sex 19 times a day on average, while women thought about sex 10 times a day on average. But as much time as people dedicate to thinking… no fantasizing, about sex (whether consciously or unconsciously), it goes without saying that no one wants sub-par sex.

If you’re having sex, we’re guessing you want steamy, passionate, toe-curling, mind-numbing orgasmic satisfaction. But if you’re a woman, the chance of that happening is pretty low. While men, for the most part, get the satisfaction they need through penetrative sex alone, most women have never experienced an orgasm through penetrative sex and many, never will in their lifetime.

So what really is the marker of great sex? Size? Skill? All of the above plus more? We posed this question to our community of women. “Does Size Really Matter?”. Here are their responses.

  1. Size really matters to me because honestly, small dicks are irritating.
  2. No, the way the person uses their tool is more important.
  3. Yup, the bigger the better.
  4. Yes o…I just hate big size.
  5. Of course! It determines how great the sex would be.
  6. Yes! Make small gbola (penis) no near me sha!!!!
  7. Yes ooo, size and experience matter. I can’t be looking for you inside me because you have small size.
  8. I feel like skill and knowing the right places to hit are important…but small is a no.
  9. It does ooo. Size and skill though.
  10. Omo, it does o. It also helps if he knows his shit.
  11. Yes o. Let it fill every part of my pussy. Cover everything abeg.
  12. To me, it doesn’t. What matters is how you make use of the one you have.
  13. Yes😭 what will I enjoy if your dick is small and please let it be long, abeg.
  14. Nah it doesn’t, it’s the strokes that matter.
  15. Never had sex, so I’m not sure.
  16. Yes…as far as you get it right bby!
  17. Not exactly o… moderate size with good thrust is perfect.
  18. Yes, it does…For full satisfaction.
  19. No. Just know how to work your angles and get your groove on. 
  20. It doesn’t matter. It’s not really about the organ in particular if I can say that.
  21. Nope🙈. Not even when I’m in love with you.
  22. Yesss pleasee.
  23. Medium-sized is cool as long as it’s not too small or big.
  24. Big D hurts.
  25. Hell yes. I love to feel something inside me.
  26. Yes, small is heavenly😍.
  27. It doesn’t. What matters is the performance and him understanding my body.
  28. Hmmm…it does to me. I have no reason but just look fit and smart.
  29. Yes, to me it’s a challenge.
  30. It doesn’t, usage power is more important.
  31. I like it small…short and portable.
  32. No, it doesn’t, not everybody knows how to fuck.
  33. No. As long as you know what to do.
  34. Yeah!!!! Who toothpick eep😂😭.
  35. For me, it does… I have a mid-wide vagina so I need a dick that fits perfectly.
  36. Size matters to me. I love to be hit hard in the right spot.
  37. Yes, it does, so that I can reach that climatic point.
  38. Nah, just know how to utilize it well.
  39. Not the size, but good fuck matters.
  40. Size doesn’t really matter, it’s knowing how to use it. But let it not be too tiny biko.
  41. It does oo!! D bigger d pain.
  42. Yes, it does, sex with a small penis is annoying😪.
  43. Yes. Imagine a small dick and unskilled lover. A big dick lover might miss shit but still hit well. 
  44. Yes, just be an okay size.
  45. It doesn’t matter. Most people with the big size can only cause me pain. I like average.
  46. I mean, when there’s Abuja yam, will I settle for carrot.
  47. Yes, for satisfaction.
  48. Uhmmm No it doesn’t… It depends on what you do and how you do it.
  49. It does not matter, as long as the person can use it well. 
  50. Yes, optimum pleasure, please.
  51. It does but don’t come near me with big dick.
  52. I’m plus-sized and most guys struggle with deep penetration.
  53. No! Just know what to do.
  54. If love is involved for me… I could make do with any size!
  55. Yes, I can’t come and die.
  56. Yes! It’s really filling having sex with a man with a big dick that knows how to use it.
  57. No, just skill on how to use it.
  58. Size of what?
  59. Yes, why? To get satisfied. 
  60. It does because too big can just be painful and uncomfortable.
  61. Yes, so it can touch my intestines.
  62. It should just be functional.
  63. No, as far as he can use it efficiently.
  64. Not really, but I don’t want it to be super small too. Not that I know the difference😂.
  65. Because certain sizes be hitting certain spots. 
  66. Yup…The difference is the taste and the taste is the difference.
  67. Yeah. I just feel the bigger the size, the more satisfaction I get. But I prefer the medium size more.
  68. Nope, if he knows how to use it. 
  69. Yes. I need to feel it😉 and it must hit the right spot🌚.
  70. Yeah, it does. I don’t like very big dicks.
  71. Nah, just know how to use it.
  72. Yes, it does. Some small dick no dey reach anywhere. You won’t even feel it.
  73. Yes, please!! Not to body shame but there’s someone for everyone.
  74. It does. For satisfaction.
  75. No! If it’s important they won’t have cheated in a relationship. 
  76. Size matters, I want to feel it, hit my waist baby🙈.
  77. Not really. What matters is if he can use it. Some are big and useless.
  78. Yes oh, I have to feel it, please. 
  79. The longer, the better.
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